In the beginning, there was nothing. Then God spoke, and there was something. The words of God have the power to form, create and define.
God created ex nihilo - out of nothing. There was literally nothing in existence, then He spoke and creation took form. His words create. They give form and definition. They give matter and speak the essence of a thing. Light had never existed before but when God spoke it into existence it found its form, its purpose, its definition, its substance and its very essence.
Speaking creation into existence is remarkable; a beautiful miracle that clearly reveals the authority, power and creativity of our God. However, the power of God’s words to create brings us to a new level of awe when we begin to ponder the implications of what God has spoken to us.
God has called us His “Beloved” (Romans 9:25). We were enemies of God, dirty and filthy, drinking damnation upon ourselves. We were prodigals sons hiding in the shadows where we might feast and fulfill the lusts of our heart. We were lost in the wilderness, wandering aimlessly wherever our cravings led us. Yet, God did not abandon us in our wretched state, but instead God has called us His “Beloved”. He has called us Beloved, so that is what we are. That is our identity. God said “let there be light” and there was light, and so when God says “You are my Beloved”, we are his His Beloved. It’s as simple as that. His words create, they form and they define. God speaks, and it is so. So, when God calls us His Beloved, something remarkable happens. I true transformation, or recreation occurs. Though we were once enemies of God, that is no more, and we become new creations who are clean and loved. We become God’s Beloved. Not for what we do, but simply for being - it becomes our being.
God’s Beloved. This is our identity. It is our essence and it defines our purpose. We are His Beloved, his friends, his children. Our sin weighed heavy on our souls and we sunk deep into the mire, but his voice called out to us amidst the darkness and now, under this new name we become an new creation as God once again spoke the impossible into reality. With the burden of sin tied securely to our back there was no way to become lovable, but then out of the silence He spoke and we emerged as new creations. Children of God who are cleansed and loved. He has spoken, we are new.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."
2 Corinthians 5:17
I read an article by Henri Nouwen that was really encouraging in this thought process. Also check out this blog written by somebody MUCH smarter than me here.
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