O Lord, it is faith, not sight that allows us to perceive reality,
so please grant me faith, that I may understand reality.
That I may know the reality of my depravity and Your grace.
That I might trust You fully and completely,
hating the thought of trusting in myself.
That I might be consumed by You,
seeking You and Your glory above all else.
Breathing Your name, and inhaling Your grace,
that I might decrease, and You might increase.
O Lord, I want to want You more than anything,
but my flesh seeks anything but You.
So tear these fleshy desires out of me and create me anew;
with a spirit of yearning,
a heart of seeking,
a mind of understanding,
eyes of perceiving,
and hands of doing,
that You might be glorified in my life.
O Lord, make the incarnation the reality of my life today,
not a myth I smile fondly back on.
Give me one desire Lord,
and make it You.